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Blog Posts & Articles

DWI vs. DUI: Understanding the Differences and Prevention Strategies in Minnesota


Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a serious offense that can lead to significant legal and personal consequences. Recently, cases concerning DWIs in Minnesota have risen, with the highest BAC recorded at a 0.46. What’s the Difference Between a DWI and DUI in Minnesota? In Minnesota, the term “DWI” is the legal…
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Possible New Consequences for DWI Test Refusal in Minnessota

Most people who consider themselves law abiding citizens may have never even dreamed of committing a crime. Driving while intoxicated, however, is an all too common offense and lawmakers are always looking for new ways to reduce the number of drunk drivers on the road. A new law proposed in the Minnesota Legislature clarifies how…
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Carver County Pursues Grant for Drug Court

The Carver County Attorney’s Office is hoping to offer certain drug offenders an alternative to incarceration. According to a press release, Carver County asked the Federal Government for a $500,000 grant to implement a drug treatment court beginning in 2020. The federal grant program, which is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of…
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Minnesota House Passes Tightened Gun Control Measures

A pair of controversial gun-control provisions passed the Minnesota House as part of an omnibus public safety finance bill. One provision would expand criminal background checks while the other would allow certain individuals to petition the court to temporarily keep guns out of the hands of those deemed unfit. While these potential laws would not…
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James Blumberg Law